StoryTel Foundation

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Happy Mother's Day from StoryTel

Today we celebrate our mothers, grateful for the love they've shown us and the sacrifices they've made for us. We also celebrate adoptive mothers and spiritual mothers. Finally, we celebrate mothers who have courageously chosen life despite nearly impossible circumstances. 

The film below is our favorite of our five pro-life films from the StoryTel archives. Today we offer you the chance to view the film in its entirety for the first time online. Although filmed 16 years ago, its message of hope is still relevant today. 

As you watch the film, discover the wonderful work being done at The Women's Center in Chicago. Witness the courage of these young women who chose life for their children despite opposition from all involved. And meet the kind and generous staff and volunteers—ordinary people collaborating with God to do something extraordinary for these beautiful mothers and their babies.

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We know you will enjoy this film. Happy Mother’s Day.